Transparency Report.
Owner | 0x2fe5f8ff1939e829c6e69b1d5aa9ddf8857ea32d |
Pool | 0x8f57ae7ddde63412509e71997b2438a3e6dcb763 |
Node | 0xc07906f7a446ac387943a92dce0e8afd6e054146 |
Every time the node produces a block it spends gas. Every time an user stakes or unstakes funds, the node needs to rebalance the pool and also spends gas. In addition, running a noether node coupled to an ethereum node is a costly operation.
Those are the reason why a fee exists in the protocol. Some pools will try to make a profit out of this process. Durable aims to stay break even.
- spent gas = loading...
- commission = loading...
- infra cost = loading...
- conclusion = loading...